Monday, September 26, 2011

Pottering Around The Garden

This is the bed that got a make over back in August , we have already had the first broccoli heads.
 The garden this time of the year is just fantastic, growth is powering along everywhere.  The weather is great for working in, not too hot and not too cool.  Lots of colour everywhere we look and the first pickings are beginning.
Rainbow Chard
Mulberries starting to ripen up, we are getting about 2 a day so far.
Pigeon Pea full of bloom and beneficial insects.
Zucchini flowers waiting to be pollenated.
My first apple blossoms on my Tropical apples.
 I spy strawberries amongst the Kale.
Pretty flowers


  1. It is a great time for gardening. You were very quick of the mark with your zucchini. I didn't realise they could go in so early.

  2. WOW! Your garden is thriving!!! Lucky you.

  3. You have such a bountiful garden already Bec! All my vegie plants are still at the seedling stage. Have tried growing broccoli but mine never does well and always gets eaten.
