Sunday, May 13, 2012

House of Germs

We are officially the Germ House, the kids and I are all down for the count.  For the first time anyone can remember Mr Daddy does not have a man flu and is able to look after us.  I am kicking myself for not having a flu shot a couple of weeks ago when I was offered one.  In the mean time I will make soup.

This is the best chicken soup recipe just add what ever you have at hand.   Some left over supermarket roast chicken, veggies - any and all, stock and red lentils.   This time I didn't have any lentils so I added a can of chick peas instead.    The only secret ingredient is leek, it just adds the most subtle flavor.   The soup freeze really well too.

I love having a big vat bubbling away
Liquid flu shot.

1 large onion, 2 large carrots diced, 1 head of broccoli, 1 red capsicum, 1 large leek, 2 handfuls of left over chicken,  1 litre chicken stock, 1 litre vegetable stock, 1 cup of dried red lentils.
Saute onions in a table spoon of olive oil, add carrots and capsicum and cook for a few mins.  Add all other veggies, stock and meat put the lid on and bring to the boil.  Reduce to a simmer and walk away for about 15 mins.  Add the lentils and cook for another 10 mins or until the lentils have disappeared.  They act like a thickener, dissolve away but add a richness to the soup.
Serve with yummy bread or toast.

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