Master B's kindy had a little market day on the weekend and we made these cookies for the Cake Stall. These are one of Miss M's favourite biccies, she had them at a friends house and they rocked her world (Miss M is notoriously hard to please.) So we just had to get the recipe - Thanks Trudi for sharing.
125g Butter 1//2 cup brown sugar 1 tsp Vanilla essence 1 tbsp golden syrup 1 1/4 cup SR flour
Cream butter and sugar, add rest of ingredients and mix well. Roll into small balls and flatten with a fork. Bake for 30 mins in a slow (150 degree C) oven.
They lent themselves so well to cute packaging so we went for the jam jar look. I thought they looked really good but they couldn't compete with cupcakes and were some of the last things left of the table.
Butterscotch Buttons
They are so quick and easy, I usually double the batch. |